Viral infection
There have been suggestions that auto-immune diseases including polymyositis may be a response to a virus that has not yet been detected. Certainly it is true that there are viruses that are uniformly found in conjuction with polymyositis. Notable amongst these is cytomegalovirus, which is detected in some 98% of patients. Although prevalent, cytomegalovirus does not appear to cause polymyositis, nor is any other virus known to do so.
While it does not cause polymyositis, viral prevalence in patients and the numerous complications it can cause make it worthy of treatment. Cytomegalovirus is a type of virus with a lipid coating that protects it, often called an "enveloped RNA and DNA" virus. Others of this type include EBV Epstein Barre, HPV, Rubella, Herpes simples 1&2, HIV 1 and 6, and many others. In fact these viruses are all notable by their tendency to go chronic or dormant and hide in tissues for years, and for their difficulty in treatment.
Fortunately there is evidence that this type of lipid coated viral infection (though not the polymyositis itself) can be treated with a natural substance with little or no side effects. Really. Read the paragraph on Anti-Microbial lipids in the remedial actions section of this website. Read more about Lauricidin.