About Us


The Polymyositis Research Association was founded to invite researchers to share their knowledge relevant to the pathology and remediation of polymyositis. We are non-profit, and do not charge fees to participants.

By sharing knowledge and research and encouraging dialogue between researchers we hope to clearly define the state of current knowledge, and the knowledge gaps that need to be filled by future reserarch. This shared forum is intended to function as a virtual research center, where scientists and researchers can read, study, and debate the latest findings, thereby advancing the science towards finding a cure for this complex disease.


Mission Statement

To promote health for individuals afflicted with the disease polymyositis by:

  1. Setting up and maintaining an on-line polymyositis research database open to the public where researchers can share scholarly information and ideas in order to advance the scientific understanding of polymyositis for the public benefit.
  1. Assisting with funding for small scale or single patient research trials for  therapies under development on a compassionate use basis, thereby increasing the research data available to the medical community.


Contact Us

Polymyositis Research Initiative
Box 47031
Victoria, BC, Canada V9B 5T2

